Vachellia caven - Unknown
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Internal ID UUID6440596a283aa822787834
Scientific name Vachellia caven
Authority (Molina) Seigler & Ebinger
First published in Phytologia87: 148 (2005 publ. 2006)

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Scientific name Authority First published in
Acacia caven (Molina) Molina Sag. Stor. Nat. Chili, ed. 2: 299 (1810)
Mimosa cavenia Molina Sag. Stor. Nat. Chili: 354 (1782)
Mimosa caven Molina Sag. Stor. Nat. Chili: 174 (1782)
Acacia caven var. caven (Molina) Molina
Acacia ibirocayensis Marchiori Ci. & Nat.6: 104 (1984)
Vachellia ibirocayensis (Marchiori) Deble & Marchiori Balduinia20: 31 (2010)
Acacia farnesiana var. cavenia (Molina) Kuntze Revis. Gen. Pl.3: 47 (1898)
Vachellia farnesiana f. brachypoda Speg. Bol. Acad. Nac. Ci. Republ. Argent.26: 301 (1923)
Vachellia farnesiana f. cavenia (Molina) Speg. Bol. Acad. Nac. Ci. Republ. Argent.26: 298 (1923)
Vachellia farnesiana f. microcarpa Speg. Bol. Acad. Nac. Ci. Republ. Argent.26: 301 (1923)
Vachellia farnesiana f. stenocarpa Speg. Bol. Acad. Nac. Ci. Republ. Argent.26: 301 (1923)
Acacia adenopa Hook. & Arn. Bot. Misc.3: 206 (1833)
Acacia cavenia Bertero Mercurio Chileno12: 556 (1829)
Acacia caven var. dehiscens Burkart ex Ciald. Darwiniana25: 76 (1984)
Acacia caven var. microcarpa (Speg.) Burkart ex Ciald. Darwiniana25: 77 (1984)
Acacia caven var. stenocarpa (Speg.) Burkart ex Ciald. Darwiniana25: 78 (1984)
Acacia caven var. macrocarpa Aronson Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard.79: 962 (1992)
Acacia farnesiana f. cavenia E.C.Clos Bol. Minist. Agric. (Buenos Aires) 28: 455 1930
Acacia farnesiana var. brachicarpa Kuntze Revis. Gen. Pl.1: 156 (1891)
Acacia cavenia Colla Mercurio Chileno 12: 556. 1829 [1 Mar 1829]
Acacia caven var. sphaerocarpa (Speg.) Burkart ex Aronson Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard.79: 964 (1992)
Acacia aromatica Poepp. ex Benth. Trans. Linn. Soc. London30: 502 (1875)
Vachellia farnesiana f. armata Speg. Bol. Acad. Nac. Ci. Republ. Argent.26: 289 (1923)
Vachellia farnesiana f. inermis Speg. Bol. Acad. Nac. Ci. Republ. Argent.26: 289 (1923)
Vachellia farnesiana f. micrantha Speg. Bol. Acad. Nac. Ci. Republ. Argent.26: 301 (1923)
Inga caven (Molina) Mérat & Lens Dict. Univ. Matière Méd.3: 606 (1831)
Acacia farnesiana var. cavenia (Molina) Arechav. Anales Mus. Nac. Montevideo1: 436 (1896)

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Language Common/alternative name
Persian تج عطری
Japanese アローモ
Lithuanian kvapioji akacija
Chinese 香球栲
Chinese 香球金合欢

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Distribution (via POWO/KEW) Top

Legend for the distribution data:
- Doubtful data
- Extinct
- Introduced
- Native
  • Southern America
    • Brazil
      • Brazil South
      • Brazil West-central
    • Southern South America
      • Argentina Northeast
      • Argentina Northwest
      • Chile Central
      • Chile North
      • Chile South
      • Paraguay
      • Uruguay
    • Western South America
      • Bolivia

Links to other databases Top

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0001277418
Tropicos 50294100
Flora of Italy 9442
The Plant List tro-50294100
Open Tree Of Life 250185
NCBI Taxonomy 72367
IUCN Red List 131400014
IPNI 60441202-2
iNaturalist 810560
GBIF 3795588
Freebase /m/026lvnn
USDA GRIN 450075
Wikipedia Vachellia_caven

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Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
Closer to assemble: Reply to “far from dismantled” by Root-Bernstein et al., 2023 Velasco N Heliyon 12-Mar-2024
Assessing Ecogeographic Rules in Two Sigmodontine Rodents along an Elevational Gradient in Central Chile Valladares-Gómez A, Torres-Pérez F, Palma RE Animals (Basel) 08-Mar-2024
An In Silico Analysis of Synthetic and Natural Compounds as Inhibitors of Nitrous Oxide Reductase (N2OR) and Nitrite Reductase (NIR) Narayanaswamy R, Prabhakaran VS, Al-Ansari MM, Al-Humaid LA, Tiwari P Toxics 01-Aug-2023
Adaptative Strategies in Gymnocalycium Species (Cactaceae) and the Presence of Ectomycorrhizae Associated with Survival in Arid Environments Soto Acosta ME, Perea M, Ruiz AI, Hilal M, Albornoz PL, Isla MI Plants (Basel) 26-Jul-2023
Dispersal syndromes of Vachellia caven: Dismantling introduction hypotheses and the role of man as a conceptual support for an archaeophyte in South America Velasco N, Bustamante R, Smit C Heliyon 09-Jun-2023
Climatic niche convergence through space and time for a potential archaeophyte (Acacia caven) in South America Velasco N, Andrade N, Smit C, Bustamante R Sci Rep 08-Jun-2023
Could an event of extreme drought (2019-2020) affect the feeding ecology of Bubo magellanicus (Gmelin 1788) (Strigiformes: Strigidae) in a Mediterranean region of Chile? Catchpole Ahumada S, Carrera Suárez L, Rivera R PeerJ 01-May-2023
The Invasive Plant Impatiens glandulifera Manipulates Microbial Associates of Competing Native Species Ab Razak N, Gange AC, Sutton BC, Mansor A Plants (Basel) 04-Apr-2023
European Rabbit Invasion in a Semi-Arid Ecosystem of Chile: How Relevant Is Its Role in Food Webs? Gübelin P, Correa-Cuadros JP, Ávila-Thieme MI, Flores-Benner G, Duclos M, Lima M, Jaksic FM Life (Basel) 31-Mar-2023
The Assembly of Bacteria Living in Natural Environments Shapes Neuronal Integrity and Behavioral Outputs in Caenorhabditis elegans Urquiza-Zurich S, Garcia-Angulo VA, Burdisso P, Palominos MF, Fernandez-Hubeid L, Harcha PA, Castillo JP, Calixto A mBio 08-Mar-2023
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Effects of post oak (Quercus stellata) and smooth brome (Bromus inermis) competition on water uptake and root partitioning of eastern redcedar (Juniperus virginiana) Hamati S, Medeiros JS, Ward D PLoS One 01-Feb-2023
Indigenous and commercial isolates of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi display differential effects in Pyrus betulaefolia roots and elicit divergent transcriptomic and metabolomic responses Shao Y, Jiang S, Peng H, Li H, Li P, Jiang R, Fang W, Chen T, Jiang G, Yang T, Nambeesan SU, Xu Y, Dong C Front Plant Sci 09-Jan-2023
The Biomedical Importance of the Missing Pathway for Farnesol and Geranylgeraniol Salvage Verdaguer IB, Crispim M, Hernández A, Katzin AM Molecules 08-Dec-2022
Effects of Strategic Supplementation with Lupinus angustifolius and Avena sativa Grains on Colostrum Quality and Passive Immunological Transfer to Newborn Lambs Castellaro G, Ochoa I, Borie C, Parraguez VH Animals (Basel) 16-Nov-2022

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