Stryphnodendron pulcherrimum

Stryphnodendron pulcherrimum - Unknown
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Internal ID UUID643fd58de5ee5994971215
Scientific name Stryphnodendron pulcherrimum
Authority (Willd.) Hochr.
First published in Bull. New York Bot. Gard.6: 274 (1910)

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Scientific name Authority First published in
Stryphnodendron floribundum Benth. J. Bot. (Hooker)4: 343 (1841)
Acacia pulcherrima Willd. Sp. Pl., ed. 4, 4: 1061 (1806)
Mimosa pulcherrima (Willd.) Poir. Lamarck, Encycl., Suppl. 1: 66 (1810)
Stryphnodendron angustum Benth. Trans. Linn. Soc. London30: 375 (1875)
Stryphnodendron melinonis Sagot Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., sér. 6, 13: 322 (1882)
Piptadenia cobi Rizzini & A.Mattos Anais Acad. Brasil. Ci.40: 233 (1968)
Piptadenia foliolosa Benth. J. Bot. (Hooker)4: 336 (1841)
Stryphnodendron guianense f. floribundum (Benth.) Ducke Arch. Jard. Bot. Rio de Janeiro4: 250 (1925)

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000164068
Tropicos 13001576
INPN 733908
The Plant List ild-10485
Open Tree Of Life 962422
NCBI Taxonomy 397652
IUCN Red List 170266439
IPNI 247385-2
iNaturalist 84471
GBIF 2951702
EOL 418213
USDA GRIN 437210

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Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
Hunting practices in southwestern Amazonia: a comparative study of techniques, modalities, and baits among urban and rural hunters Oliveira MA, Braga-Pereira F, El Bizri HR, Morcatty TQ, Doria CR, Messias MR J Ethnobiol Ethnomed 03-Jul-2023
Cross-species transcriptomes reveal species-specific and shared molecular adaptations for plants development on iron-rich rocky outcrops soils Dias MC, Caldeira C, Gastauer M, Ramos S, Oliveira G BMC Genomics 19-Apr-2022
Constituents of Chamaecrista diphylla (L.) Greene Leaves with Potent Antioxidant Capacity: A Feature-Based Molecular Network Dereplication Approach Gomes P, Quirós-Guerrero L, Muribeca A, Reis J, Pamplona S, Lima AH, Trindade M, Silva C, Souza JN, Boutin J, Wolfender JL, Silva M Pharmaceutics 10-May-2021
Feature-Based Molecular Network-Guided Dereplication of Natural Bioactive Products from Leaves of Stryphnodendron pulcherrimum (Willd.) Hochr Gomes P, Quirós-Guerrero L, Silva C, Pamplona S, Boutin JA, Eberlin M, Wolfender JL, Silva M Metabolites 29-Apr-2021
Secure and Sustainable Sourcing of Plant Tissues for the Exhaustive Exploration of Their Chemodiversity Joseph RC, Silva da Fonseca Diniz M, Magno do Nascimento V, Barbosa Muribeca AD, Costa Santiago JC, da Cunha Borges L, da Costa Sá PR, Portal Gomes PW, da Silva Cardoso JC, Rocha de Castro MN, Fiusa T, Rogez H, Darnet S, Pinheiro Arruda MS, Nascimento da Silva M, Cardoso Arruda A, Boutin JA, Silva CY, Lautié E Molecules 18-Dec-2020
Hybrid capture of 964 nuclear genes resolves evolutionary relationships in the mimosoid legumes and reveals the polytomous origins of a large pantropical radiation Koenen EJ, Kidner C, de Souza ÉR, Simon MF, Iganci JR, Nicholls JA, Brown GK, de Queiroz LP, Luckow M, Lewis GP, Pennington RT, Hughes CE Am J Bot 30-Nov-2020
Natural products in endodontics Almadi EM, Almohaimede AA Saudi Med J 01-Feb-2018
In vitro activity of Amazon plant extracts against Enterococcus faecalis de Castilho AL, da Silva JP, Saraceni CH, Díaz IE, Paciencia ML, Varella AD, Suffredini IB Braz J Microbiol 09-Oct-2014

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