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Internal ID UUID643fda8fe5fe9196771816
Scientific name Indigofera argentea
Authority Burm.f.
First published in Fl. Indica: 171 (1768)

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Scientific name Authority First published in
Indigofera burmanni Boiss. Fl. Orient.2: 187 (1872)
Indigofera semitrijuga var. tetrasperma DC. Prodr.2: 230 (1825)
Anil argentea Kuntze Revis. Gen. Pl.2: 938 (1891)
Indigofera arenaria var. strigosa A.Terracc. Annuario Reale Ist. Bot. Roma5: 109 (1894)

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Language Common/alternative name
Chinese 银木蓝

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Distribution (via POWO/KEW) Top

Legend for the distribution data:
- Doubtful data
- Extinct
- Introduced
- Native
  • Africa
    • Northeast Tropical Africa
      • Chad
      • Eritrea
      • Socotra
      • Somalia
      • Sudan
    • Northern Africa
      • Algeria
      • Egypt
    • West Tropical Africa
      • Mali
      • Mauritania
      • Niger
  • Asia-temperate
    • Arabian Peninsula
      • Gulf States
      • Oman
      • Saudi Arabia
      • Yemen
    • Western Asia
      • Iran
      • Lebanon-Syria

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000190388
UNII VX5589126S
Tropicos 13020574
KEW urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:498985-1
The Plant List ild-3686
Open Tree Of Life 616166
NCBI Taxonomy 198858
IPNI 498985-1
iNaturalist 474025
GBIF 2971766
EOL 660713
USDA GRIN 315121

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Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
In vitro and split-faced placebo-controlled in vivo study on the skin rejuvenating effects of cream loaded with bioactive extract of Indigofera argentea Burm.f Arshad T, Shoaib Khan HM, Khan KU, Al-Roujayee AS, Mohany M, Ahmad M, Maryam S, Akram MB, Shaukat H, Khursheed U, Aboul-Soud MA Front Pharmacol 04-Apr-2024
Plant-Microbe Interactions under the Extreme Habitats and Their Potential Applications Tiwari P, Bose SK, Park KI, Dufossé L, Fouillaud M Microorganisms 22-Feb-2024
Exploring the benefits of wild plants in dietary nutrition: investigating perspectives, choices, health impacts and sustainable practices Anwar T, Qureshi H, Shahzadi S, Siddiqi EH, Ali HM, Abdelhamid MM, Nazim M BMC Complement Med Ther 14-Feb-2024
Diversity, Distribution, and applications of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the Arabian Peninsula Alrajhi K, Bibi S, Abu-Dieyeh M Saudi J Biol Sci 25-Dec-2023
Isolation and evaluation of Qatari soil rhizobacteria for antagonistic potential against phytopathogens and growth promotion in tomato plants BiBi A, Bibi S, Al-Ghouti MA, Abu-Dieyeh MH Sci Rep 12-Dec-2023
Application of Multi-Perspectives in Tea Breeding and the Main Directions Li H, Song K, Zhang X, Wang D, Dong S, Liu Y, Yang L Int J Mol Sci 10-Aug-2023
Towards further understanding the applications of endophytes: enriched source of bioactive compounds and bio factories for nanoparticles Choudhary N, Dhingra N, Gacem A, Yadav VK, Verma RK, Choudhary M, Bhardwaj U, Chundawat RS, Alqahtani MS, Gaur RK, Eltayeb LB, Al Abdulmonem W, Jeon BH Front Plant Sci 10-Jul-2023
Endophytes in Agriculture: Potential to Improve Yields and Tolerances of Agricultural Crops Watts D, Palombo EA, Jaimes Castillo A, Zaferanloo B Microorganisms 12-May-2023
Reviewing and renewing the use of beneficial root and soil bacteria for plant growth and sustainability in nutrient-poor, arid soils Khan N, Humm EA, Jayakarunakaran A, Hirsch AM Front Plant Sci 06-Apr-2023
Thermo-Priming Mediated Cellular Networks for Abiotic Stress Management in Plants Khan A, Khan V, Pandey K, Sopory SK, Sanan-Mishra N Front Plant Sci 13-May-2022
Synthetic bacterial community derived from a desert rhizosphere confers salt stress resilience to tomato in the presence of a soil microbiome Schmitz L, Yan Z, Schneijderberg M, de Roij M, Pijnenburg R, Zheng Q, Franken C, Dechesne A, Trindade LM, van Velzen R, Bisseling T, Geurts R, Cheng X ISME J 20-Apr-2022
The Lys‐motif receptor LYK4 mediates Enterobacter sp. SA187 triggered salt tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana Rolli E, de Zélicourt A, Alzubaidy H, Karampelias M, Parween S, Rayapuram N, Han B, Froehlich K, Abulfaraj AA, Alhoraibi H, Mariappan K, Andrés‐Barrao C, Colcombet J, Hirt H Environ Microbiol 23-Dec-2021
Coordinated bacterial and plant sulfur metabolism in Enterobacter sp. SA187–induced plant salt stress tolerance Andrés-Barrao C, Alzubaidy H, Jalal R, Mariappan KG, de Zélicourt A, Bokhari A, Artyukh O, Alwutayd K, Rawat A, Shekhawat K, Almeida-Trapp M, Saad MM, Hirt H Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 11-Nov-2021
Root endophyte induced plant thermotolerance by constitutive chromatin modification at heat stress memory gene loci Shekhawat K, Saad MM, Sheikh A, Mariappan K, Al‐Mahmoudi H, Abdulhakim F, Eida AA, Jalal R, Masmoudi K, Hirt H EMBO Rep 10-Jan-2021
Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria isolated from halophytes and drought-tolerant plants: genomic characterisation and exploration of phyto-beneficial traits Leontidou K, Genitsaris S, Papadopoulou A, Kamou N, Bosmali I, Matsi T, Madesis P, Vokou D, Karamanoli K, Mellidou I Sci Rep 09-Sep-2020

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