Eperua falcata - Unknown
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Internal ID UUID643fd758db094062008726
Scientific name Eperua falcata
Authority Aubl.
First published in Hist. Pl. Guiane1: 369 (1775)

Description Top

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It is also a popular ornamental tree, with its large, bright green leaves and fragrant yellow flowers.

Eperua falcata, commonly known as the bootlace tree, is a species of flowering plant native to northern South America. It is valued for its timber, which is resistant to decay and is used for shingles, telephone poles, and other applications. It is also a popular ornamental tree, with its large, bright green leaves and fragrant yellow flowers, and is capable of growing in pure white sand.

Synonyms Top

Scientific name Authority First published in
Dimorpha falcata (Aubl.) Forsyth f. Bot. Nomencl.: 391 (1794)
Panzera falcata (Aubl.) Willd. Sp. Pl., ed. 4, 2: 540 (1799)

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Language Common/alternative name
English wallaba
English wallaba tree

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Germination/Propagation Top

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Distribution (via POWO/KEW) Top

Legend for the distribution data:
- Doubtful data
- Extinct
- Introduced
- Native
  • Southern America
    • Brazil
      • Brazil North
    • Caribbean
      • Trinidad-Tobago
    • Northern South America
      • French Guiana
      • Guyana
      • Suriname
      • Venezuela
    • Western South America
      • Colombia

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000174107
Tropicos 13030093
INPN 733645
KEW urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:493934-1
The Plant List ild-20220
Open Tree Of Life 230415
Observations.org 395017
NCBI Taxonomy 162769
IUCN Red List 62025250
IPNI 493934-1
iNaturalist 465991
GBIF 2943522
EOL 8682787
Elurikkus 338644
USDA GRIN 436165
Wikipedia Eperua_falcata

Genomes (via NCBI) Top

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Accession Assembly
Name Level Submitter Released Coverage Size
GCA_900006205.1 EF_Genome Contig INRA Avignon 2020-02-29 58.0x 240.67 Mb

Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
Phytolith assemblages reflect variability in human land use and the modern environment Witteveen NH, White C, Sanchez Martinez BA, Booij R, Philip A, Gosling WD, Bush MB, McMichael CN Veg Hist Archaeobot 27-Jun-2023
Applying molecular and genetic methods to trees and their fungal communities Müller M, Kües U, Budde KB, Gailing O Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 29-Mar-2023
Rethinking the nature of intraspecific variability and its consequences on species coexistence Girard‐Tercieux C, Maréchaux I, Clark AT, Clark JS, Courbaud B, Fortunel C, Guillemot J, Künstler G, le Maire G, Pélissier R, Rüger N, Vieilledent G Ecol Evol 07-Mar-2023
Co-developing an international TLS network for the 3D ecological understanding of global trees: System architecture, remote sensing models, and functional prospects Lin Y, Filin S, Billen R, Mizoue N Environ Sci Ecotechnol 21-Feb-2023
Genome-wide characterization leading to simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers development in Shorea robusta Mishra G, Meena RK, Kant R, Pandey S, Ginwal HS, Bhandari MS Funct Integr Genomics 28-Jan-2023
First evidence of a monodominant (Englerodendron, Amherstieae, Detarioideae, Leguminosae) tropical moist forest from the early Miocene (21.73 Ma) of Ethiopia Pan AD, Jacobs BF, Bush RT, de la Estrella M, Grímsson F, Herendeen PS, van der Burgt XM, Currano ED PLoS One 11-Jan-2023
Pit characters determine drought-induced embolism resistance of leaf xylem across 18 Neotropical tree species Levionnois S, Kaack L, Heuret P, Abel N, Ziegler C, Coste S, Stahl C, Jansen S Plant Physiol 14-May-2022
Tree Species and Epiphyte Taxa Determine the “Metabolomic niche” of Canopy Suspended Soils in a Species-Rich Lowland Tropical Rainforest Gargallo-Garriga A, Sardans J, Alrefaei AF, Klem K, Fuchslueger L, Ramírez-Rojas I, Donald J, Leroy C, Langenhove LV, Verbruggen E, Janssens IA, Urban O, Peñuelas J Metabolites 21-Oct-2021
Usage of Synthetic Peptides in Cosmetics for Sensitive Skin Resende DI, Ferreira MS, Sousa-Lobo JM, Sousa E, Almeida IF Pharmaceuticals (Basel) 21-Jul-2021
Understanding crown shyness from a 3-D perspective van der Zee J, Lau A, Shenkin A Ann Bot 13-Mar-2021
31P-NMR Metabolomics Revealed Species-Specific Use of Phosphorous in Trees of a French Guiana Rainforest Gargallo-Garriga A, Sardans J, Llusià J, Peguero G, Asensio D, Ogaya R, Urbina I, Langenhove LV, Verryckt LT, Courtois EA, Stahl C, Grau O, Urban O, Janssens IA, Nolis P, Pérez-Trujillo M, Parella T, Peñuelas J Molecules 31-Aug-2020
Different “metabolomic niches” of the highly diverse tree species of the French Guiana rainforests Gargallo-Garriga A, Sardans J, Granda V, Llusià J, Peguero G, Asensio D, Ogaya R, Urbina I, Van Langenhove L, Verryckt LT, Chave J, Courtois EA, Stahl C, Grau O, Klem K, Urban O, Janssens IA, Peñuelas J Sci Rep 24-Apr-2020
Wood allocation trade‐offs between fiber wall, fiber lumen, and axial parenchyma drive drought resistance in neotropical trees Janssen TA, Hölttä T, Fleischer K, Naudts K, Dolman H Plant Cell Environ 03-Feb-2020
Rarity of monodominance in hyperdiverse Amazonian forests ter Steege H, Henkel TW, Helal N, Marimon BS, Marimon-Junior BH, Huth A, Groeneveld J, Sabatier D, Coelho LD, Filho DD, Salomão RP, Amaral IL, Matos FD, Castilho CV, Phillips OL, Guevara JE, Carim MD, Cárdenas López D, Magnusson WE, Wittmann F, Irume MV, Martins MP, Guimarães JR, Molino JF, Bánki OS, Piedade MT, Pitman NC, Mendoza AM, Ramos JF, Luize BG, Moraes de Leão Novo EM, Núñez Vargas P, Silva TS, Venticinque EM, Manzatto AG, Reis NF, Terborgh J, Casula KR, Honorio Coronado EN, Montero JC, Feldpausch TR, Duque A, Costa FR, Arboleda NC, Schöngart J, Killeen TJ, Vasquez R, Mostacedo B, Demarchi LO, Assis RL, Baraloto C, Engel J, Petronelli P, Castellanos H, de Medeiros MB, Quaresma A, Simon MF, Andrade A, Camargo JL, Laurance SG, Laurance WF, Rincón LM, Schietti J, Sousa TR, de Sousa Farias E, Lopes MA, Magalhães JL, Mendonça Nascimento HE, Lima de Queiroz H, Aymard C. GA, Brienen R, Revilla JD, Vieira IC, Cintra BB, Stevenson PR, Feitosa YO, Duivenvoorden JF, Mogollón HF, Araujo-Murakami A, Ferreira LV, Lozada JR, Comiskey JA, de Toledo JJ, Damasco G, Dávila N, Draper F, García-Villacorta R, Lopes A, Vicentini A, Alonso A, Dallmeier F, Gomes VH, Lloyd J, Neill D, de Aguiar DP, Arroyo L, Carvalho FA, de Souza FC, do Amaral DD, Feeley KJ, Gribel R, Pansonato MP, Barlow J, Berenguer E, Ferreira J, Fine PV, Guedes MC, Jimenez EM, Licona JC, Peñuela Mora MC, Villa B, Cerón C, Maas P, Silveira M, Stropp J, Thomas R, Baker TR, Daly D, Dexter KG, Huamantupa-Chuquimaco I, Milliken W, Pennington T, Ríos Paredes M, Fuentes A, Klitgaard B, Pena JL, Peres CA, Silman MR, Tello JS, Chave J, Cornejo Valverde F, Di Fiore A, Hilário RR, Phillips JF, Rivas-Torres G, van Andel TR, von Hildebrand P, Noronha JC, Barbosa EM, Barbosa FR, de Matos Bonates LC, Carpanedo RD, Dávila Doza HP, Fonty É, GómeZárate z R, Gonzales T, Gallardo Gonzales GP, Hoffman B, Junqueira AB, Malhi Y, Miranda IP, Pinto LF, Prieto A, Rodrigues DD, Rudas A, Ruschel AR, Silva N, Vela CI, Vos VA, Zent EL, Zent S, Weiss Albuquerque B, Cano A, Carrero Márquez YA, Correa DF, Costa JB, Flores BM, Galbraith D, Holmgren M, Kalamandeen M, Nascimento MT, Oliveira AA, Ramirez-Angulo H, Rocha M, Scudeller VV, Sierra R, Tirado M, Umaña Medina MN, van der Heijden G, Vilanova Torre E, Vriesendorp C, Wang O, Young KR, Ahuite Reategui MA, Baider C, Balslev H, Cárdenas S, Casas LF, Farfan-Rios W, Ferreira C, Linares-Palomino R, Mendoza C, Mesones I, Torres-Lezama A, Giraldo LE, Villarroel D, Zagt R, Alexiades MN, de Oliveira EA, Garcia-Cabrera K, Hernandez L, Palacios Cuenca W, Pansini S, Pauletto D, Ramirez Arevalo F, Sampaio AF, Sandoval EH, Valenzuela Gamarra L, Levesley A, Pickavance G, Melgaço K Sci Rep 25-Sep-2019
Diversity and Characterization of Endophytic Fungi Isolated From the Tropical Mangrove Species, Rhizophora mucronata, and Identification of Potential Antagonists Against the Soil-Borne Fungus, Fusarium solani Hamzah TN, Lee SY, Hidayat A, Terhem R, Faridah-Hanum I, Mohamed R Front Microbiol 25-Jul-2018

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