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Internal ID UUID643fd6cc91d11479624664
Scientific name Dioclea guianensis
Authority Benth.
First published in Comm. Legum. Gen.: 70 (1837)

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It is a perennial shrub that grows up to 3 meters in height and is found in tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas. The leaves are alternate, elliptic to ovate in shape, and up to 15 cm long. The flowers are yellow and white, and the fruit is a legume pod containing up to four seeds. The plant is used for its medicinal properties, as well as for its edible leaves and fruits. It is also used as a source of fuel and for timber.

Dioclea guianensis is a species of legume native to the Americas, growing up to 3 meters in height. It has alternate, elliptic to ovate leaves that are up to 15 cm long, and yellow and white flowers. The fruit is a legume pod containing up to four seeds. It is used for its medicinal properties, as well as for its edible leaves and fruits, and as a source of fuel and timber.

Synonyms Top

Scientific name Authority First published in
Dioclea comosa var. panamensis (Duchass. & Walp.) Kuntze Revis. Gen. Pl.1: 179 (1891)
Dioclea panamensis Duchass. & Walp. Flora36: 229 (1853)
Dioclea guianensis var. villosior Benth. J. Bot. (Hooker)2: 60 (1840)
Dioclea guianensis var. guianensis Benth.
Dioclea guianensis var. velutina Benth. Bot. Voy. Sulphur: 85 (1844)

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000170537
Tropicos 13018709
INPN 733709
KEW urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:492636-1
The Plant List ild-16807
Open Tree Of Life 539989
NCBI Taxonomy 99571
IUCN Red List 19891780
IPNI 492637-1
iNaturalist 139201
GBIF 5359611
Freebase /m/04y87ft
EOL 639797
USDA GRIN 436122
Wikipedia Dioclea_guianensis

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Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
CAM photosynthesis: the acid test Winter K, Smith JA New Phytol 05-Nov-2021
Pheromone‐binding proteins based phylogenetics and phylogeography of Maruca spp. from Asia, Africa, Oceania, and South America Malini P, Ramasamy S, Schafleitner R, Muthukalingan K Ecol Evol 31-Jul-2019
Overview of the Structure–Function Relationships of Mannose-Specific Lectins from Plants, Algae and Fungi Barre A, Bourne Y, Van Damme EJ, Rougé P Int J Mol Sci 10-Jan-2019
ConA-Like Lectins: High Similarity Proteins as Models to Study Structure/Biological Activities Relationships Cavada BS, Pinto-Junior VR, Osterne VJ, Nascimento KS Int J Mol Sci 21-Dec-2018
Lectins, Interconnecting Proteins with Biotechnological/Pharmacological and Therapeutic Applications Coelho LC, Silva PM, Lima VL, Pontual EV, Paiva PM, Napoleão TH, Correia MT Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 07-Mar-2017
Dioclea violacea lectin ameliorates oxidative stress and renal dysfunction in an experimental model of acute kidney injury Freitas FP, Porto ML, Tranhago CP, Piontkowski R, Miguel EC, Miguel TB, Martins JL, Nascimento KS, Balarini CM, Cavada BS, Meyrelles SS, Vasquez EC, Gava AL Am J Transl Res 15-Dec-2015
Usnic Acid Potassium Salt: An Alternative for the Control of Biomphalaria glabrata (Say, 1818) Martins MC, Silva MC, Silva LR, Lima VL, Pereira EC, Falcão EP, Melo AM, da Silva NH PLoS One 06-Nov-2014
Effect of Algae and Plant Lectins on Planktonic Growth and Biofilm Formation in Clinically Relevant Bacteria and Yeasts Vasconcelos MA, Arruda FV, Carneiro VA, Silva HC, Nascimento KS, Sampaio AH, Cavada B, Teixeira EH, Henriques M, Pereira MO Biomed Res Int 28-May-2014
The mannose‐binding lectin gene FaMBL1 is involved in the resistance of unripe strawberry fruits to Colletotrichum acutatum Guidarelli M, Zoli L, Orlandini A, Bertolini P, Baraldi E Mol Plant Pathol 07-May-2014
Purification, Partial Characterization and Immobilization of a Mannose-Specific Lectin from Seeds of Dioclea lasiophylla Mart Pinto Júnior VR, de Santiago MQ, Osterne VJ, Correia JL, Pereira Júnior FN, Cajazeiras JB, de Vasconcelos MA, Teixeira EH, do Nascimento AS, Miguel TB, Miguel ED, Sampaio AH, do Nascimento KS, Nagano CS, Cavada BS Molecules 04-Sep-2013
Lectin from Canavalia brasiliensis Seeds (ConBr) Is a Valuable Biotechnological Tool to Stimulate the Growth of Rhizobium tropici in Vitro de Vasconcelos MA, Cunha CO, Arruda FV, Carneiro VA, Mercante FM, Neto LG, de Sousa GS, Rocha BA, Teixeira EH, Cavada BS, dos Santos RP Molecules 07-May-2012
Molecular Characterization and Tandem Mass Spectrometry of the Lectin Extracted from the Seeds of Dioclea sclerocarpa Ducke Correia JL, do Nascimento AS, Cajazeiras JB, Gondim AC, Pereira RI, de Sousa BL, da Silva AL, Garcia W, Teixeira EH, do Nascimento KS, da Rocha BA, Nagano CS, Sampaio AH, Cavada BS Molecules 28-Oct-2011
Crystallization and Characterization of an Inflammatory Lectin Purified from the Seeds of Dioclea wilsonii Rangel TB, Assreuy AM, de Freitas Pires A, de Carvalho AU, Benevides RG, da Conceição Simões R, da Silva HC, Bezerra MJ, do Nascimento AS, do Nascimento KS, Nagano CS, Sampaio AH, Delatorre P, da Rocha BA, Fernandes PM, Cavada BS Molecules 20-Jun-2011
Anti-inflammatory effect of glucose—mannose binding lectins isolated from Brazilian beans Assreuy AM, Shibuya MD, Martins GJ, De Souza ML, Cavada BS, Moreira RA, Oliveira JT, Ribeiro RA, Flores CA Mediators Inflamm 01-Jun-1997

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