Cornus macrophylla - Unknown
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Internal ID UUID644035dac276b793518666
Scientific name Cornus macrophylla
Authority Wall.
First published in Fl. Ind. (Carey & Wallich ed.) 1: 433. 1820

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Cornus macrophylla, also known as the large-leafed dogwood, is a type of dogwood tree that can be found in various countries including Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, and China. It is commonly found in several provinces in China, such as Anhui, Fujian, and Guangdong. This species of dogwood has large leaves and can be found in mountainous regions. It is also found in Taiwan and some parts of Myanmar, Nepal, and Pakistan.

Synonyms Top

Scientific name Authority First published in
Swida macrophylla (Wall.) Soják Novit. Bot. Delect. Seminum Horti Bot. Univ. Carol. Prag. 1960: 10 (1960)
Thelycrania macrophylla (Wall.) Pojark. Fl. URSS 17: 333 (1951)
Cornus religiana hort. ex Handl. Trees Kew Pt. i. [Polypet.] (1894) 251.
Swida microphylla (Wall.) Soják Novit. Bot. Delect. Seminum Horti Bot. Univ. Carol. Prag. 1960: 10 (1960)

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Language Common/alternative name
English large-leafed dogwood
Arabic قرانيا كبيرة الورق
Japanese クマノミズキ
Korean 곰의말채나무
Chinese 丁榔皮
Chinese 梾木

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Name Authority First published in
Cornus macrophylla var. macrophylla Unknown
Cornus macrophylla var. stracheyi C.B.Clarke Fl. Brit. India 2: 744 (1879)

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000924758
USDA Plants COMA20
Tropicos 8700018
The Plant List kew-47430
Open Tree Of Life 414752
NCBI Taxonomy 60119
IUCN Red List 130048580
IPNI 271611-1
iNaturalist 452342
IFPNI BEA58968-13D6-1C0F-36D8-50C9CBE22E13
GBIF 3663105
EOL 2906153
Wikipedia Cornus_macrophylla

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Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
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Phytochemical Profiling, Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Oxidant and In-Silico Approach of Cornus macrophylla Bioss (Bark) Khan A, Pervaiz A, Ansari B, Ullah R, Shah SM, Khan H, Saeed Jan M, Hussain F, Ijaz Khan M, Albadrani GM, Altyar AE, Abdel-Daim MM Molecules 24-Jun-2022
Phylogeny of Calvittacus Revealing a New Species from China (Acari: Eriophyidae) Yin Y, Lu YW, Liu XY, Xue XF Insects 05-May-2022
Environmental variables drive plant species composition and distribution in the moist temperate forests of Northwestern Himalaya, Pakistan Rahman IU, Hart RE, Ijaz F, Afzal A, Iqbal Z, Calixto ES, Abd_Allah EF, Alqarawi AA, Hashem A, Al-Arjani AB, Kausar R, Haq SM PLoS One 24-Feb-2022
Classification and Characterization of the Manoor Valley’s (Lesser Himalaya) Vegetation from the Subtropical-Temperate Ecotonal Forests to the Alpine Pastures along Ecological Variables Rahman IU, Afzal A, Iqbal Z, Alzain MN, Al-Arjani AB, Alqarawi AA, Abd_Allah EF, Ali N, Sakhi S, Khan MA, Khan U, Ijaz F, Mumtaz S, Calixto ES Plants (Basel) 28-Dec-2021
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Distribution of Woody Plant Species Among Different Disturbance Regimes of Forests in a Temperate Deciduous Broad-Leaved Forest Xi J, Shao Y, Li Z, Zhao P, Ye Y, Li W, Chen Y, Yuan Z Front Plant Sci 06-Apr-2021
Ethnobotanical survey of the medicinal flora of Harighal, Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Pakistan Amjad MS, Zahoor U, Bussmann RW, Altaf M, Gardazi SM, Abbasi AM J Ethnobiol Ethnomed 27-Oct-2020
Natural Flavonoids as Potential Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 Inhibitors for Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Muchtaridi M, Fauzi M, Khairul Ikram NK, Mohd Gazzali A, Wahab HA Molecules 01-Sep-2020
Cornus macrophylla, the Antibacterial Activity of Organic Leaf Extracts and the Characterization of the More Lipophilic Components by GC/MS Akbar M, Ali U, Khalil T, Iqbal MS, Amin A, Naeem R, Nazir A, Waqas HM, Aslam Z, Jafri FI, Aslam N, Chohan SA Molecules 21-May-2020
What nature separated, and human joined together: About a spontaneous hybridization between two allopatric dogwood species (Cornus controversa and C. alternifolia) Gawrońska B, Morozowska M, Nuc K, Kosiński P, Słomski R PLoS One 23-Dec-2019
Quantitative comparison of flowering phenology traits among trees, perennial herbs, and annuals in a temperate plant community Nagahama A, Yahara T Am J Bot 14-Nov-2019
Dietary specialization depending on ecological context and sexual differences in Asiatic black bears Mori T, Nakata S, Izumiyama S PLoS One 18-Oct-2019

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