Selenicereus setaceus - Unknown
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Internal ID UUID64402228c276c262119618
Scientific name Selenicereus setaceus
Authority (Salm-Dyck ex DC.) Werderm.
First published in Bras. Säulenkakt.: 87. 1933.

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Scientific name Authority First published in
Mediocactus setaceus (Salm-Dyck ex DC.) Borg Cacti: 213. 1951.
Mediocactus hassleri (K.Schum.) Backeb. Cactaceae 2: 798. 1959.
Mediocactus lindmanii (F.A.C.Weber ex K.Schum.) Backeb. Cactaceae 2: 798. 1959.
Selenicereus rizzinii Scheinvar in Revista Brasil. Biol. 34(2): 251. 1974.
Cereus coccineus Salm-Dyck ex DC. Prodr. 3: 469. 1828.
Cereus hassleri K.Schum. in Monatsschr. Kakteenk. 10: 45. 1900.
Cereus lindbergianus F.A.C.Weber ex K.Schum. Gesamtbeschr. Kakt.: 151. 1897.
Cereus lindmanii F.A.C.Weber ex K.Schum. Gesamtbeschr. Kakt.: 163. 1897.
Cereus prismaticus Salm-Dyck ex DC. Prodr. 3: 469. 1828.
Cereus setaceus Salm-Dyck ex DC. Prodr. 3: 469. 1828.
Hylocereus setaceus (Salm-Dyck ex DC.) Ralf Bauer in Cactaceae Syst. Init. 17: 29. 2003.
Cereus setaceus var. viridior Salm-Dyck Hort. Dyck.: 65. 1834.
Mediocactus coccineus (Salm-Dyck ex DC.) Britton & Rose Cactaceae 2: 211. 1920.

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Language Common/alternative name
Hungarian hylocereus setaceus
Swedish hylocereus setaceus
Chinese 硬刺柱

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000735266
Tropicos 5106767
INPN 886351
NCBI Taxonomy 1959253
iNaturalist 1038929
GBIF 4927441
USDA GRIN 438727
Wikipedia Selenicereus_setaceus
IPNI 77205597-1

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Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
Anatomical and Biomechanical Properties of the Junction between Stem and Aerial Roots of Selenicereus undatus Pauls B, Lautenschläger T, Neinhuis C Plants (Basel) 04-Jul-2023
Charting the twist-to-bend ratio of plant axes Wolff-Vorbeck S, Speck O, Langer M, Speck T, Dondl PW J R Soc Interface 22-Jun-2022
Microspines in tropical climbing plants: a small-scale fix for life in an obstacle course Lehnebach R, Paul-Victor C, Courric E, Rowe NP J Exp Bot 13-May-2022
3D Printing Soft Matters and Applications: A Review Zhan S, Guo AX, Cao SC, Liu N Int J Mol Sci 30-Mar-2022
Morphology and Anatomy of Branch–Branch Junctions in Opuntia ficus-indica and Cylindropuntia bigelovii: A Comparative Study Supported by Mechanical Tissue Quantification Mylo MD, Hesse L, Masselter T, Leupold J, Drozella K, Speck T, Speck O Plants (Basel) 27-Oct-2021
Structural performance of a climbing cactus: making the most of softness Bastola AK, Soffiatti P, Behl M, Lendlein A, Rowe NP J R Soc Interface 12-May-2021
The Bio-Engineering Approach for Plant Investigations and Growing Robots. A Mini-Review Mazzolai B, Tramacere F, Fiorello I, Margheri L Front Robot AI 24-Sep-2020
Mechanical Innovations of a Climbing Cactus: Functional Insights for a New Generation of Growing Robots Soffiatti P, Rowe NP Front Robot AI 09-Jun-2020
Long‐term regeneration of a tropical plant community after sand mining Garbin ML, Misaki F, Ferreira PF, Guidoni‐Martins KG, Soares RB, Mariotte P, Sansevero JB, Rocha PG, Silva AG Ecol Evol 04-May-2018

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