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Internal ID UUID64400f3b1d64f414721941
Scientific name Capparis orientalis
Authority Duhamel
First published in Traite Arbr. & Arbust. ed. 2, i. 142 (1800-1).

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Capparis orientalis is a type of plant that belongs to the Capparaceae family. It is commonly known as the Oriental caper and is found in various regions around the world. This plant has been used in traditional medicine for its medicinal properties and is also used in cooking for its edible flower buds. It is a hardy plant that can thrive in different climates and has been studied for its potential in various fields such as agriculture and pharmacology. Overall, Capparis orientalis is a versatile and valuable plant species with a long history of human use.

Synonyms Top

Scientific name Authority First published in
Capparis spinosa var. inermis Zohary Bull. Res. Council Israel Sect. D, Bot 8: 51 1960
Capparis spinosa var. rupestris (Sm.) Hook.f. & Thomson Fl. Brit. India [J. D. Hooker] 1(1): 173. 1872 [May 1872]

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000584972
Tropicos 100305195
INPN 87807
Flora of Italy 1313
KEW urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:2697418-4
The Plant List kew-2697418
Open Tree Of Life 5516825
NCBI Taxonomy 1494405
IPNI 146652-1
iNaturalist 545878
GBIF 5601705
USDA GRIN 458009
Wikipedia Capparis_orientalis

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Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
Sicilian Populations of Capparis spinosa L. and Capparis orientalis Duhamel as Source of the Bioactive Flavonol Quercetin Sgadari F, Cerulli A, Schicchi R, Badalamenti N, Bruno M, Piacente S Plants (Basel) 03-Jan-2023
The Role of Lichens, Mosses, and Vascular Plants in the Biodeterioration of Historic Buildings: A Review Cozzolino A, Adamo P, Bonanomi G, Motti R Plants (Basel) 08-Dec-2022
Edible Flowers Used in Some Countries of the Mediterranean Basin: An Ethnobotanical Overview Motti R, Paura B, Cozzolino A, de Falco B Plants (Basel) 28-Nov-2022
Biodiversity in Urban Areas: The Extraordinary Case of Appia Antica Regional Park (Rome, Italy) Iamonico D Plants (Basel) 15-Aug-2022
Ethnobotany of the Aegadian Islands: safeguarding biocultural refugia in the Mediterranean La Rosa A, Cornara L, Saitta A, Salam AM, Grammatico S, Caputo M, La Mantia T, Quave CL J Ethnobiol Ethnomed 28-Jul-2021
Insular Pharmacopoeias: Ethnobotanical Characteristics of Medicinal Plants Used on the Adriatic Islands Łuczaj Ł, Jug-Dujaković M, Dolina K, Jeričević M, Vitasović-Kosić I Front Pharmacol 07-May-2021
Floristic and Vegetation Changes on a Small Mediterranean Island over the Last Century Sciandrello S, Cambria S, Giusso del Galdo G, Guarino R, Minissale P, Pasta S, Tavilla G, Cristaudo A Plants (Basel) 01-Apr-2021
A systematic revision of Capparaceae and Cleomaceae in Egypt: an evaluation of the generic delimitations of Capparis and Cleome using ecological and genetic diversity El zayat MA, Ali ME, Amar MH J Genet Eng Biotechnol 06-Oct-2020
A Review of Biologically Active Natural Products from Mediterranean Wild Edible Plants: Benefits in the Treatment of Obesity and Its Related Disorders Marrelli M, Statti G, Conforti F Molecules 03-Feb-2020
The ethnobotany and biogeography of wild vegetables in the Adriatic islands Łuczaj Ł, Jug-Dujaković M, Dolina K, Jeričević M, Vitasović-Kosić I J Ethnobiol Ethnomed 29-Mar-2019
Floristic diversity in different urban ecological niches of a southern European city Salinitro M, Alessandrini A, Zappi A, Melucci D, Tassoni A Sci Rep 11-Oct-2018
A forgotten collection: the Libyan ethnobotanical exhibits (1912-14) by A. Trotter at the Museum O. Comes at the University Federico II in Naples, Italy De Natale A, Pollio A J Ethnobiol Ethnomed 21-Jan-2012

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