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Internal ID UUID64400dc2aea22354854563
Scientific name Brassica montana
Authority Pourr.
First published in Mém. Acad. Sci. Toulouse 3: 308 1788

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Scientific name Authority First published in
Brassica allionii Moretti Index Seminum (PAV, Ticinensis) 1829: [1] (1829)
Brassica balearica Loisel. Fl. Gall. , ed. 2, 1: 69 (1828)
Brassica montana var. apenninica (Cavara) O.E.Schulz Pflanzenr. IV, 105(70): 34 1919
Brassica montana f. ligustica Burnat
Brassica oleracea var. pourretii (Rouy & Foucaud) O.Bolòs & Vigo Fl. Paisos Catalans 2: 44 1990
Brassica oleracea subsp. robertiana (J.Gay) Rouy & Foucaud Fl. France 2: 53 1895
Brassica oleracea subsp. pourretii Rouy & Foucaud Fl. France 2: 53 1895
Brassica pourretii (Rouy & Foucaud) Lév. Monde Pl. 12: 24 (1910)
Brassica robertiana J.Gay Ann. Sci. Nat. (Paris) 7: 416 (1826)
Brassica robertiana var. apenninica Cavara Malpighia 4: 124 1890
Brassica robertiana var. leronensis (Burnat) Rouy & Foucaud Fl. France 2: 1895

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World Flora Online wfo-0000571254
INPN 86394
Flora of Italy 1638
KEW urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:279407-1
The Plant List kew-2682364
Open Tree Of Life 453628
NCBI Taxonomy 69185
IUCN Red List 170107
IPNI 279408-1
iNaturalist 189917
GBIF 3042829
USDA GRIN 317369

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Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
Analysis of gaps in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) collections in European genebanks Weise S, Hoekstra R, Kutschan KJ, Oppermann M, van Treuren R, Lohwasser U Front Plant Sci 09-Oct-2023
Brassica biodiversity conservation: prevailing constraints and future avenues for sustainable distribution of plant genetic resources Subramanian P, Kim SH, Hahn BS Front Plant Sci 27-Jul-2023
Diversity of Phytosterols in Leaves of Wild Brassicaceae Species as Compared to Brassica napus Cultivars: Potential Traits for Insect Resistance and Abiotic Stress Tolerance Bootter MB, Li J, Zhou W, Edwards D, Batley J Plants (Basel) 01-May-2023
Extensive crop–wild hybridization during Brassica evolution and selection during the domestication and diversification of Brassica crops Saban JM, Romero AJ, Ezard TH, Chapman MA Genetics 22-Feb-2023
In situ occurrence and protection of crop wild relatives in Italian sites of natura 2000 network: Insights from a data-driven approach Raggi L, Zucchini C, Gigante D, Negri V Front Plant Sci 22-Dec-2022
Characterization of the complete chloroplast genome of Brassica oleracea var. italica and phylogenetic relationships in Brassicaceae Zhang Z, Tao M, Shan X, Pan Y, Sun C, Song L, Pei X, Jing Z, Dai Z PLoS One 24-Feb-2022
Evidence for two domestication lineages supporting a middle-eastern origin for Brassica oleracea crops from diversified kale populations Cai C, Bucher J, Bakker FT, Bonnema G Hortic Res 19-Feb-2022
Unity in diversity—food plants and fungi of Sakartvelo (Republic of Georgia), Caucasus Bussmann RW, Paniagua Zambrana NY, Ur Rahman I, Kikvidze Z, Sikharulidze S, Kikodze D, Tchelidze D, Khutsishvili M, Batsatsashvili K J Ethnobiol Ethnomed 31-Dec-2021
Advances in Multi-Omics Approaches for Molecular Breeding of Black Rot Resistance in Brassica oleracea L. Shaw RK, Shen Y, Wang J, Sheng X, Zhao Z, Yu H, Gu H Front Plant Sci 06-Dec-2021
The Evolutionary History of Wild, Domesticated, and Feral Brassica oleracea (Brassicaceae) Mabry ME, Turner-Hissong SD, Gallagher EY, McAlvay AC, An H, Edger PP, Moore JD, Pink DA, Teakle GR, Stevens CJ, Barker G, Labate J, Fuller DQ, Allaby RG, Beissinger T, Decker JE, Gore MA, Pires JC Mol Biol Evol 22-Jun-2021
Genomics Armed With Diversity Leads the Way in Brassica Improvement in a Changing Global Environment Mohd Saad NS, Severn-Ellis AA, Pradhan A, Edwards D, Batley J Front Genet 18-Feb-2021
Plant responses to butterfly oviposition partly explain preference–performance relationships on different brassicaceous species Griese E, Pineda A, Pashalidou FG, Iradi EP, Hilker M, Dicke M, Fatouros NE Oecologia 13-Jan-2020
Transcriptome and organellar sequencing highlights the complex origin and diversification of allotetraploid Brassica napus An H, Qi X, Gaynor ML, Hao Y, Gebken SC, Mabry ME, McAlvay AC, Teakle GR, Conant GC, Barker MS, Fu T, Yi B, Pires JC Nat Commun 28-Jun-2019
Neofunctionalization of Duplicated Tic40 Genes Caused a Gain-of-Function Variation Related to Male Fertility in Brassica oleracea Lineages Dun X, Shen W, Hu K, Zhou Z, Xia S, Wen J, Yi B, Shen J, Ma C, Tu J, Fu T, Lagercrantz U Plant Physiol 02-Sep-2014
Repeated Polyploidy Drove Different Levels of Crossover Suppression between Homoeologous Chromosomes in Brassica napus Allohaploids Cifuentes M, Eber F, Lucas MO, Lode M, Chèvre AM, Jenczewski E Plant Cell 16-Jul-2010

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