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Internal ID UUID643ff8a3cf978172590664
Scientific name Rindera graeca
Authority Boiss. & Heldr.
First published in Diagn. Pl. Orient. 7: 30 (1846)

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Scientific name Authority First published in
Mattia graeca A.DC. Prodr. 10: 168 (1846)
Mattia bracteata Orph. ex Boiss. Fl. Orient. 4: 274 (1875)
Mattia schmidtii Heldr. Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. , sér. 4, 13: 382 (1860)
Cynoglossum graecum (A.DC.) Greuter & Burdet Willdenowia 11: 35 (1981)

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- Doubtful data
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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000402627
Tropicos 50074620
KEW urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:120487-1
The Plant List kew-2422660
Open Tree Of Life 5745442
Observations.org 126949
NCBI Taxonomy 1421756
IPNI 120487-1
GBIF 4059814

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Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
Effect of Silica Xerogel Functionalization on Intensification of Rindera graeca Transgenic Roots Proliferation and Boosting Naphthoquinone Production Wierzchowski K, Nowak B, Kawka M, Sykłowska-Baranek K, Pilarek M Life (Basel) 22-Jan-2024
Hairy Root Cultures as a Source of Phenolic Antioxidants: Simple Phenolics, Phenolic Acids, Phenylethanoids, and Hydroxycinnamates Malarz J, Yudina YV, Stojakowska A Int J Mol Sci 07-Apr-2023
Stress-Induced Intensification of Deoxyshikonin Production in Rindera graeca Hairy Root Cultures with Ester-Based Scaffolds Wierzchowski K, Kawka M, Wrzecionek M, Urbanek J, Pietrosiuk A, Sykłowska-Baranek K, Gadomska-Gajadhur A, Pilarek M Plants (Basel) 10-Dec-2022
Selective Impact of MTMS-Based Xerogel Morphology on Boosted Proliferation and Enhanced Naphthoquinone Production in Cultures of Rindera graeca Transgenic Roots Wierzchowski K, Nowak B, Kawka M, Więckowicz P, Dąbkowska-Susfał K, Pietrosiuk A, Sykłowska-Baranek K, Pilarek M Int J Mol Sci 08-Nov-2022
Review of Shikonin and Derivatives: Isolation, Chemistry, Biosynthesis, Pharmacology and Toxicology Yadav S, Sharma A, Nayik GA, Cooper R, Bhardwaj G, Sohal HS, Mutreja V, Kaur R, Areche FO, AlOudat M, Shaikh AM, Kovács B, Mohamed Ahmed AE Front Pharmacol 01-Jul-2022
HPLC-PDA-ESI-HRMS-Based Profiling of Secondary Metabolites of Rindera graeca Anatomical and Hairy Roots Treated with Drought and Cold Stress Naliwajski MR, Wileńska B, Misicka A, Pietrosiuk A, Sykłowska-Baranek K Cells 08-Mar-2022
Polyurethane Foam Rafts Supported In Vitro Cultures of Rindera graeca Roots for Enhanced Production of Rinderol, Potent Proapoptotic Naphthoquinone Compound Kawka M, Bubko I, Koronkiewicz M, Gruber-Bzura B, Graikou K, Chinou I, Jeziorek M, Pietrosiuk A, Sykłowska-Baranek K Int J Mol Sci 21-Dec-2021
Chemical Profile and Screening of Bioactive Metabolites of Rindera graeca (A. DC.) Bois. & Heldr. (Boraginaceae) In Vitro Cultures Graikou K, Damianakos H, Ganos C, Sykłowska-Baranek K, Jeziorek M, Pietrosiuk A, Roussakis C, Chinou I Plants (Basel) 21-Apr-2021
MTMS-Based Aerogel Constructs for Immobilization of Plant Hairy Roots: Effects on Proliferation of Rindera graeca Biomass and Extracellular Secretion of Naphthoquinones Nowak B, Kawka M, Wierzchowski K, Sykłowska-Baranek K, Pilarek M J Funct Biomater 05-Mar-2021
Contribution to the Orophilous Cushion-Like Vegetation of Central-Southern and Insular Greece Musarella CM, Brullo S, del Galdo GG Plants (Basel) 30-Nov-2020
Rindera graeca (Boraginaceae) Phytochemical Profile and Biological Activities Ganos C, Aligiannis N, Chinou I, Naziris N, Chountoulesi M, Mroczek T, Graikou K Molecules 09-Aug-2020

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