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Internal ID UUID64402b5857829398184677
Scientific name Wahlenbergia ceracea
Authority Lothian
First published in Vict. Naturalist 72: 166 (1956)

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Wahlenbergia ceracea, also known as the waxy bluebell, is a small herbaceous plant found in eastern Australia. It can grow up to 1.1 metres tall and blooms in the summer with blue-pink-white flowers. The plant is mostly hairless and leafless in its upper parts. It is native to New South Wales, Victoria, and Tasmania.

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Distribution (via POWO/KEW) Top

Legend for the distribution data:
- Doubtful data
- Extinct
- Introduced
- Native

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000819579
Tropicos 50042158
KEW urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:145666-1
The Plant List kew-357337
Open Tree Of Life 385579
NCBI Taxonomy 1005581
IPNI 145666-1
iNaturalist 491965
GBIF 5413949
Wikipedia Wahlenbergia_ceracea

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Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
Germination and seedling growth of Calluna vulgaris is sensitive to regional climate, heathland succession, and drought Birkeli K, Gya R, Haugum SV, Velle LG, Vandvik V Ecol Evol 04-Jul-2023
Epigenetic variation: A major player in facilitating plant fitness under changing environmental conditions Rajpal VR, Rathore P, Mehta S, Wadhwa N, Yadav P, Berry E, Goel S, Bhat V, Raina SN Front Cell Dev Biol 18-Oct-2022
High-molecular weight DNA extraction, clean-up and size selection for long-read sequencing Jones A, Torkel C, Stanley D, Nasim J, Borevitz J, Schwessinger B PLoS One 15-Jul-2021
Predicting effects of warming requires a whole-of-life cycle perspective: a case study in the alpine herb Oreomyrrhis eriopoda Satyanti A, Liantoro T, Thomas M, Neeman T, Nicotra AB, Guja LK Conserv Physiol 28-Apr-2021
Effects of Temperature Treatments on Cytosine-Methylation Profiles of Diploid and Autotetraploid Plants of the Alpine Species Ranunculus kuepferi (Ranunculaceae) Syngelaki E, Schinkel CC, Klatt S, Hörandl E Front Plant Sci 08-Apr-2020
Sparse evidence for selection on phenotypic plasticity in response to temperature Arnold PA, Nicotra AB, Kruuk LE Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 28-Jan-2019
Seed germination strategies: an evolutionary trajectory independent of vegetative functional traits Hoyle GL, Steadman KJ, Good RB, McIntosh EJ, Galea LM, Nicotra AB Front Plant Sci 12-Oct-2015
Adaptive plasticity and epigenetic variation in response to warming in an Alpine plant Nicotra AB, Segal DL, Hoyle GL, Schrey AW, Verhoeven KJ, Richards CL Ecol Evol 13-Jan-2015
Campanulaceae: a family with small seeds that require light for germination Koutsovoulou K, Daws MI, Thanos CA Ann Bot 14-Nov-2013

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