Genus Jacobaea in Family Asteraceae
What is a Genus (pl. Genera)?
In the context of botanical taxonomy, the Genus (plural Genera) rank is a taxonomic rank
that is
used to classify groups of related species within a Family. Genera are based on a set of
morphological, anatomical, and genetic characteristics, such as flower structure, fruit
and leaf morphology. The Genus rank is situated between Family and Species in the hierarchy
taxonomic ranks.
Each Genus can include one or more species. Genera are used to group species of plants that share common traits and evolutionary histories, allowing botanists to better understand the relationships between different groups of plants.
Some examples of Genera in botanical taxonomy include Rosa, which includes the different species of roses, and Solanum, which includes the different species of nightshades, such as tomato and eggplant.
Do you wish to read more about plant taxonomy? Click here!
Each Genus can include one or more species. Genera are used to group species of plants that share common traits and evolutionary histories, allowing botanists to better understand the relationships between different groups of plants.
Some examples of Genera in botanical taxonomy include Rosa, which includes the different species of roses, and Solanum, which includes the different species of nightshades, such as tomato and eggplant.
Do you wish to read more about plant taxonomy? Click here!
Pick a Species to see its components:
Jacobaea × albescens
Jacobaea × calvescens
Jacobaea × lichtensteinensis
Jacobaea × lyratifolia
Jacobaea × mirabilis
Jacobaea × ostenfeldii
Jacobaea abrotanifolia
3 -
Jacobaea acutipinna
Jacobaea adonidifolia
Jacobaea alpina
2 -
Jacobaea ambigua
2 -
Jacobaea ambracea
Jacobaea analoga
Jacobaea andrzejowskyi
Jacobaea aquatica
Jacobaea arenaria
Jacobaea arnautorum
Jacobaea auricula
Jacobaea boissieri
Jacobaea borysthenica
Jacobaea buschiana
Jacobaea candida
Jacobaea cannabifolia
Jacobaea carniolica
Jacobaea cilicia
Jacobaea delphiniifolia
Jacobaea disjuncta
Jacobaea echaeta
Jacobaea erratica
Jacobaea erucifolia
4 -
Jacobaea erucifolia
Jacobaea ferganensis
Jacobaea gallerandiana
Jacobaea gibbosa
Jacobaea gigantea
Jacobaea gnaphalioides
Jacobaea graciliflora
Jacobaea incana
Jacobaea inops
Jacobaea insubrica
Jacobaea korshinskyi
Jacobaea leucophylla
Jacobaea litvinovii
Jacobaea lycopifolia
Jacobaea maritima
3 -
Jacobaea maroccana
Jacobaea minuta
Jacobaea mollis
Jacobaea mouterdei
Jacobaea multibracteolata
Jacobaea norica
Jacobaea nudicaulis
Jacobaea ornata
Jacobaea othonnae
1 -
Jacobaea paludosa
3 -
Jacobaea pancicii
Jacobaea persoonii
Jacobaea pseudoarnica
Jacobaea racemosa
2 -
Jacobaea raphanifolia
Jacobaea renardii
Jacobaea sandrasica
Jacobaea schischkiniana
Jacobaea subalpina
Jacobaea thuretii
Jacobaea tibetica
Jacobaea trapezuntina
Jacobaea uniflora
Jacobaea vulgaris