Helenium microcephalum var. ooclinium

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Internal ID UUID64406e5a9869f446195453
Scientific name Helenium microcephalum var. ooclinium
Authority (A.Gray) Bierner
First published in Sida 5: 47 (1972)

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Language Common/alternative name
English smallhead sneezeweed
English helenium microcephalum ooclinium

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000112856
Tropicos 2710368
KEW urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:118777-2
The Plant List gcc-72436
NCBI Taxonomy 2741190
Nature Serve 2.134778
IPNI 118777-2
iNaturalist 240979
GBIF 5704814
USDA GRIN 452337

Main references Top

  1. WorldFaunaOnline.com
  2. WikiData

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