Xanthorrhoea glauca - Unknown
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Internal ID UUID6440242558deb718258196
Scientific name Xanthorrhoea glauca
Authority D.J.Bedford
First published in Fl. Australia 46: 226 (1986)

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Language Common/alternative name
Arabic مصفورة زرقاء
Czech žlutokap šedý

Subspecies (abbr. subsp./ssp.) Top

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Name Authority First published in
Xanthorrhoea glauca subsp. glauca Flora of Australia 46 1986

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Germination/Propagation Top

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Distribution (via POWO/KEW) Top

Legend for the distribution data:
- Doubtful data
- Extinct
- Introduced
- Native

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000751949
Tropicos 100277946
KEW urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:929685-1
The Plant List kew-291472
Open Tree Of Life 3996428
NCBI Taxonomy 1592184
IUCN Red List 192205293
IPNI 929685-1
iNaturalist 83580
GBIF 2779423
Freebase /m/0gfgfb0
EOL 1083527
Wikipedia Xanthorrhoea_glauca

Genomes (via NCBI) Top

No reference genome is available on NCBI yet. We are constantly monitoring for new data.

Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
Type A Trichothecene Metabolic Profile Differentiation, Mechanisms, Biosynthetic Pathways, and Evolution in Fusarium Species—A Mini Review Wang J, Zhang M, Yang J, Yang X, Zhang J, Zhao Z Toxins (Basel) 05-Jul-2023
Fusarium: more than a node or a foot-shaped basal cell Crous PW, Lombard L, Sandoval-Denis M, Seifert KA, Schroers HJ, Chaverri P, Gené J, Guarro J, Hirooka Y, Bensch K, Kema GH, Lamprecht SC, Cai L, Rossman AY, Stadler M, Summerbell RC, Taylor JW, Ploch S, Visagie CM, Yilmaz N, Frisvad JC, Abdel-Azeem AM, Abdollahzadeh J, Abdolrasouli A, Akulov A, Alberts JF, Araújo JP, Ariyawansa HA, Bakhshi M, Bendiksby M, Ben Hadj Amor A, Bezerra JD, Boekhout T, Câmara MP, Carbia M, Cardinali G, Castañeda-Ruiz RF, Celis A, Chaturvedi V, Collemare J, Croll D, Damm U, Decock CA, de Vries RP, Ezekiel CN, Fan XL, Fernández NB, Gaya E, González CD, Gramaje D, Groenewald JZ, Grube M, Guevara-Suarez M, Gupta VK, Guarnaccia V, Haddaji A, Hagen F, Haelewaters D, Hansen K, Hashimoto A, Hernández-Restrepo M, Houbraken J, Hubka V, Hyde KD, Iturriaga T, Jeewon R, Johnston PR, Jurjević Ž, Karalti İ, Korsten L, Kuramae EE, Kušan I, Labuda R, Lawrence DP, Lee HB, Lechat C, Li HY, Litovka YA, Maharachchikumbura SS, Marin-Felix Y, Matio Kemkuignou B, Matočec N, McTaggart AR, Mlčoch P, Mugnai L, Nakashima C, Nilsson RH, Noumeur SR, Pavlov IN, Peralta MP, Phillips AJ, Pitt JI, Polizzi G, Quaedvlieg W, Rajeshkumar KC, Restrepo S, Rhaiem A, Robert J, Robert V, Rodrigues AM, Salgado-Salazar C, Samson RA, Santos AC, Shivas RG, Souza-Motta CM, Sun GY, Swart WJ, Szoke S, Tan YP, Taylor JE, Taylor PW, Tiago PV, Váczy KZ, van de Wiele N, van der Merwe NA, Verkley GJ, Vieira WA, Vizzini A, Weir BS, Wijayawardene NN, Xia JW, Yáñez-Morales MJ, Yurkov A, Zamora JC, Zare R, Zhang CL, Thines M Stud Mycol 17-Aug-2021
Phylogenetic diversity, trichothecene potential, and pathogenicity within Fusarium sambucinum species complex Laraba I, McCormick SP, Vaughan MM, Geiser DM, O’Donnell K PLoS One 12-Jan-2021
New endemic Fusarium species hitch-hiking with pathogenic Fusarium strains causing Panama disease in small-holder banana plots in Indonesia Maryani N, Sandoval-Denis M, Lombard L, Crous PW, Kema GH Persoonia 14-Mar-2019
Variation in Type A Trichothecene Production and Trichothecene Biosynthetic Genes in Fusarium goolgardi from Natural Ecosystems of Australia Rocha LO, Laurence MH, Proctor RH, McCormick SP, Summerell BA, Liew EC Toxins (Basel) 05-Nov-2015
Chemotaxonomy of the genus Xanthorrhoea Heinz Duewell Elsevier BV 26-Jul-2002

Phytochemical Profile Top

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Below are displayed the proven (via scientific papers) natural compounds!
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Name PubChem ID Canonical SMILES MW Found in Proof
> Phenylpropanoids and polyketides / Flavonoids / Flavans / Flavanones
(2R)-5,7-dihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2,3-dihydro-4H-chromen-4-one 667495 Click to see C1C(OC2=CC(=CC(=C2C1=O)O)O)C3=CC=C(C=C3)O 272.25 unknown https://doi.org/10.1016/S0305-1978(97)00031-8
5,7-Dihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)chroman-4-one 932 Click to see C1C(OC2=CC(=CC(=C2C1=O)O)O)C3=CC=C(C=C3)O 272.25 unknown https://doi.org/10.1016/S0305-1978(97)00031-8
> Phenylpropanoids and polyketides / Flavonoids / O-methylated flavonoids / 5-O-methylated flavonoids
Naringenin 5-methyl ether 188424 Click to see COC1=CC(=CC2=C1C(=O)CC(O2)C3=CC=C(C=C3)O)O 286.28 unknown https://doi.org/10.1016/S0305-1978(97)00031-8
> Phenylpropanoids and polyketides / Flavonoids / O-methylated flavonoids / 7-O-methylated flavonoids
Sakuranetin 73571 Click to see COC1=CC(=C2C(=O)CC(OC2=C1)C3=CC=C(C=C3)O)O 286.28 unknown https://doi.org/10.1016/S0305-1978(97)00031-8
> Phenylpropanoids and polyketides / Linear 1,3-diarylpropanoids / Chalcones and dihydrochalcones / 2-Hydroxychalcones
Trihydroxychalcone 638278 Click to see C1=CC(=CC=C1C=CC(=O)C2=C(C=C(C=C2)O)O)O 256.25 unknown https://doi.org/10.1016/S0305-1978(97)00031-8

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