Dianella tasmanica - Unknown
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Internal ID UUID644025d735d94703905683
Scientific name Dianella tasmanica
Authority Hook.f.
First published in Fl. Tasman. 2: 57 (1858)

Description Top

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Dianella tasmanica, also known as the Tasman flax-lily or Tasmanian flax-lily, is a perennial herb found in southeastern Australia, including Tasmania. It has long, strappy leaves and can grow up to 1.5 meters tall. In spring and summer, it produces blue flowers followed by violet berries. While it is commonly seen in Australian gardens, its fruit is toxic. This plant was first described in 1858 by botanist Joseph Dalton Hooker and its name is derived from the Roman goddess Diana. It grows in shady spots in wet forests and can also be cultivated as an indoor plant. The fruits of Dianella tasmanica should not be eaten as they are toxic, but they have been used by Aboriginal peoples for basket dyeing.

Synonyms Top

Scientific name Authority First published in
Dianella divaricata f. dentifera Schlittler Mitt. Bot. Mus. Univ. Zürich 163: 274 (1940)
Dianella tasmanica var. gigantea Schlittler Mitt. Bot. Mus. Univ. Zürich 163: 274 (1940)
Dianella tasmanica f. laevis Schlittler Mitt. Bot. Mus. Univ. Zürich 163: 274 (1940)
Dianella tasmanica var. variegata C.Pynaert Rev. Hort. Belge Étrangère 30: 61 (1903)
Dianella archeri Hook.f. Fl. Tasman. 2: 58 (1858)
Dianella densa Lindb. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 10: 132 (1871)
Dianella hookeri Baker J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 14: 575 (1875)

Common names Top

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Language Common/alternative name
Spanish dianella hookeri
Spanish dianella archeri
Spanish dianella densa
Spanish dianella divaricata f. dentifera
Spanish dianella tasmanica f. laevis
Spanish dianella tasmanica var. gigantea
Spanish dianella tasmanica var. variegata
Chinese 塔斯马尼亚山菅
Chinese 长果山菅

Subspecies (abbr. subsp./ssp.) Top

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Germination/Propagation Top

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Sow seeds at 20°C, expecting germination within 3 months without further temperature treatment.
Requires Soaking: These seeds need to be soaked in warm water until they swell, which can take 24-48 hours. Seeds that float are usually not viable and should be discarded, along with the soaking water.
soak in toilet tank 5-6 weeks; germinate at 20-25°C

Distribution (via POWO/KEW) Top

Legend for the distribution data:
- Doubtful data
- Extinct
- Introduced
- Native

Links to other databases Top

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000765262
Tropicos 100180493
KEW urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:533871-1
The Plant List kew-304172
Open Tree Of Life 541025
NCBI Taxonomy 462872
IPNI 533871-1
iNaturalist 123238
GBIF 5305181
Freebase /m/02qwbsq
EOL 1087437
Wikipedia Dianella_tasmanica

Genomes (via NCBI) Top

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Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
Leaf variegation caused by plastome structural variation: an example from Dianella tasmanica Zhou S, Ma K, Mower JP, Liu Y, Zhou R Hortic Res 10-Jan-2024
Fungal Systematics and Evolution: FUSE 5 Song J, Liang JF, Mehrabi-Koushki M, Krisai-Greilhuber I, Ali B, Bhatt VK, Cerna-Mendoza A, Chen B, Chen ZX, Chu HL, Corazon-Guivin MA, da Silva GA, De Kesel A, Dima B, Dovana F, Farokhinejad R, Ferisin G, Guerrero-Abad JC, Guo T, Han LH, Ilyas S, Justo A, Khalid AN, Khodadadi-Pourarpanahi S, Li TH, Liu C, Lorenzini M, Lu JK, Mumtaz AS, Oehl F, Pan XY, Papp V, Qian W, Razaq A, Semwal KC, Tang LZ, Tian XL, Vallejos-Tapullima A, van der Merwe NA, Wang SK, Wang CQ, Yang RH, Yu F, Zapparoli G, Zhang M, Antonín V, Aptroot A, Aslan A, Banerjee A, Chatterjee S, Dirks AC, Ebrahimi L, Fotouhifar KB, Ghosta Y, Kalinina LB, Karahan D, Liu J, Maiti MK, Mookherjee A, Nath PS, Panja B, Saha J, Ševčíková H, Voglmayr H, Yazıcı K, Haelewaters D Sydowia 23-Dec-2019
Dietary analysis of an uncharacteristic population of the Mountain Pygmy-possum (Burramys parvus) in the Kosciuszko National Park, New South Wales, Australia Hawke T, Bates H, Hand S, Archer M, Broome L PeerJ 24-Jan-2019
Biophysical Mechanistic Modelling Quantifies the Effects of Plant Traits on Fire Severity: Species, Not Surface Fuel Loads, Determine Flame Dimensions in Eucalypt Forests Zylstra P, Bradstock RA, Bedward M, Penman TD, Doherty MD, Weber RO, Gill AM, Cary GJ PLoS One 16-Aug-2016
Deep blue anthocyanins from blue Dianella berries. Bloor SJ Phytochemistry 01-Nov-2001

Phytochemical Profile Top

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Below are displayed the proven (via scientific papers) natural compounds!
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Name PubChem ID Canonical SMILES MW Found in Proof
> Organic oxygen compounds / Organooxygen compounds / Carbohydrates and carbohydrate conjugates / Glycosyl compounds / Phenolic glycosides
1-[1,5-dihydroxy-3-methyl-8-[(2S,3R,4S,5S,6R)-3,4,5-trihydroxy-6-[[(2S,3R,4S,5R)-3,4,5-trihydroxyoxan-2-yl]oxymethyl]oxan-2-yl]oxynaphthalen-2-yl]ethanone 102376949 Click to see CC1=CC2=C(C=CC(=C2C(=C1C(=O)C)O)OC3C(C(C(C(O3)COC4C(C(C(CO4)O)O)O)O)O)O)O 526.50 unknown https://doi.org/10.1016/S0031-9422(01)00343-0
1-[1,5-Dihydroxy-3-methyl-8-[3,4,5-trihydroxy-6-[(3,4,5-trihydroxyoxan-2-yl)oxymethyl]oxan-2-yl]oxynaphthalen-2-yl]ethanone 22297273 Click to see CC1=CC2=C(C=CC(=C2C(=C1C(=O)C)O)OC3C(C(C(C(O3)COC4C(C(C(CO4)O)O)O)O)O)O)O 526.50 unknown https://doi.org/10.1016/S0031-9422(01)00343-0
> Phenylpropanoids and polyketides / Flavonoids / Flavonoid glycosides / Flavonoid O-glycosides / Flavonoid 3p-O-p-coumaroyl glycosides
[(2R,3S,4R,5S,6S)-3,4,5-trihydroxy-6-[2-hydroxy-5-[5-oxo-7-[(2S,3S,4S,5S,6R)-3,4,5-trihydroxy-6-(hydroxymethyl)oxan-2-yl]oxy-3-[(2S,3R,4R,5S,6S)-3,4,5-trihydroxy-6-(hydroxymethyl)oxan-2-yl]oxychromen-2-yl]-3-[(2S,3S,4S,5S,6R)-3,4,5-trihydroxy-6-[3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)prop-2-enoyloxymethyl]oxan-2-yl]oxyphenoxy]oxan-2-yl]methyl 3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)prop-2-enoate 163191769 Click to see C1=CC(=CC=C1C=CC(=O)OCC2C(C(C(C(O2)OC3=CC(=CC(=C3O)OC4C(C(C(C(O4)COC(=O)C=CC5=CC=C(C=C5)O)O)O)O)C6=C(C=C7C(=CC(=CC7=O)OC8C(C(C(C(O8)CO)O)O)O)O6)OC9C(C(C(C(O9)CO)O)O)O)O)O)O)O 1243.10 unknown https://doi.org/10.1016/S0031-9422(01)00343-0

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