Puccinellia fasciculata - Unknown
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Internal ID UUID6440325de51db806211077
Scientific name Puccinellia fasciculata
Authority (Torr.) E.P.Bicknell
First published in Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 35: 197 (1908)

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Synonyms Top

Scientific name Authority First published in
Atropis borreri K.Richt. Pl. Eur. 1: 92 (1890)
Atropis borreri var. pseudoprocumbens Corb. Nouv. Fl. Normandie 553 1893
Atropis conferta Rouy Fl. France 14: 194 (1913)
Atropis distans var. conferta Beal Grass. N. Amer. 2: 573 (1896)
Atropis distans var. permixta (Guss.) Coss. & Durieu Expl. Sci. Algérie 2: 140. 1855
Atropis permixta K.Richt. Pl. Eur. 1: 92 (1890)
Atropis pseudodistans Rouy Fl. France 14: 195 (1913)
Festuca borreri Bab. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 17: 565 (1837)
Festuca delawarica Kunth Révis. Gramin. 1: 129 (1829)
Glyceria borreri Bab. English Bot. SuppI. t. 2797.
Glyceria conferta Fr. Novit. Fl. Suec. Mant. 2: 10 (1839)
Glyceria delawarica Heynh. Nom. Bot. Hort. : 360 (1840)
Glyceria distans subsp. conferta (Fr.) Hook.f. Student. Fl. Brit. Isl. 446. 1870 (1870)
Glyceria maritima Roep. ex Nyman Consp. Fl. Eur. : 831 (1882)
Glyceria neesii Steud. Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1(3): 286. 1854 [1855 publ. 12-13 Apr 1854]
Glyceria permixta Guss. Fl. Sicul. Syn. 1: 99 (1843)
Glyceria pseudodistans Crép. Mém. Couronnés Mém. Savants Étrangers Acad. Roy. Sci. Bruxelles (8vo) 18: 239 (1866)
Glyceria pungens Pau Not. Bot. Fl. Españ. 6: 113. 1895 (1895)
Molinia conferta Hartm. Handb. Skand. Fl. , ed. 4: 33 (1843)
Phippsia fasciculata (Torr.) Á.Löve & D.Löve Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 10: 274 (1975)
Poa ambigua Mathieu Fl. Gén. Belgique 1: 611 (1854)
Poa borreri Hook. & Arn. Brit. Fl. (Hooker), ed. 8. 549. 1860
Poa dalavarica Biroli ex Colla Herb. Pedem. 6: 58 (1836)
Poa delawarica Link Hort. Berol. 1: 174 (1827)
Poa delawarica Balb. ex A.Spreng. Tent. Suppl. : 6 (1828)
Poa fasciculata Torr. Fl. N. Middle United States 1: 107 (1823)
Puccinellia pseudoprocumbens (Corb.) Wilmott Rep. Bot. Soc. Exch. Club Brit. Isles 12: 23 (1947)
Puccinellia borreri Hitchc. ex B.L.Rob. Rhodora x. 65 (1908).
Puccinellia conferta (Rouy) Ponert Feddes Repert. 84: 739 (1974)
Puccinellia fasciculata subsp. pseudodistans (Crép.) Kerguélen Coll. Patrim. Nat. 8: xv (1993)
Puccinellia fasciculata subsp. pungens (Pau) W.E.Hughes Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 76: 363 (1978)
Puccinellia fasciculata var. caespitosa Allan & Jansen Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 69: 268. 1939
Puccinellia fasciculata var. novazelandica Allan & Jansen Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 69: 268. 1939
Puccinellia fasciculata var. pseudodistans (Crép.) P.D.Sell Fl. Great Britain Ireland 5: 363 (1996)
Puccinellia fasciculata var. scott-thomsonii (Allan & Jansen) Zotov Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 73: 236. 1943
Puccinellia permixta Parl. Fl. Ital. 1: 370 (1850)
Puccinellia pseudodistans (Crép.) Jansen & Wachter Ned. Kruidk. Arch. , ser. 3, 45: 10 (1935)
Puccinellia pungens (Pau) Paunero Anales Inst. Bot. Cavanilles 17(2): 39 (1959)
Puccinellia scott-thomsonii Allan & Jansen Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 69: 267 (1939)
Sclerochloa arenaria var. fasciculata (Torr.) A.Gray Manual 594. 1848
Sclerochloa borreri Bab. Man. Brit. Bot. : 370 (1843)
Sclerochloa multiculmis subsp. borreri (Bab.) Syme Engl. Bot. ed. 3, 11: 105. 1873 (1873)
Puccinellia distans var. poiformis Emb. & Maire Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Afrique N. 28: 385 (1937)
Puccinellia fasciculata subsp. poiformis (Emb. & Maire) Dobignard & Portal Index Syn. Fl. Afrique N. 1: 427 (2010)
Atropis borreri var. pseduoprocumbens Corb. Fl. de Norm. 653
Glyceria conferta subsp. pseudodistans (Crép.) P.Fourn. Quatre Fl. France 64. 1934 (1934)
Atropis borreri Stapf Fl. Cap. (Harvey) 7(4): 716. 1900 [May 1900]
Festuca thalassica var. delawarica (Link) Bernh. Index Seminum (NKME, Erfordia) 1837: 3.
Puccinellia poiformis (Emb. & Maire) Dobignard & Portal Glyceria, Puccinellia, Pseudosclerochloa : 101 (2014)

Common names Top

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Language Common/alternative name
English saltmarsh alkaligrass
Welsh gwellt-y-morfa borrer
German büscheliger salzschwaden
French atropis fasciculé
Dutch blauw kweldergras
Swedish knippsaltgräs

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Distribution (via POWO/KEW) Top

Legend for the distribution data:
- Doubtful data
- Extinct
- Introduced
- Native
  • Africa
    • Northern Africa
      • Algeria
      • Morocco
      • Tunisia
    • Southern Africa
      • Cape Provinces
  • Australasia
    • Australia
      • South Australia
      • Victoria
    • New Zealand
      • New Zealand North
      • New Zealand South
  • Europe
    • Middle Europe
      • Belgium
      • Netherlands
    • Northern Europe
      • Great Britain
      • Ireland
    • Southeastern Europe
      • Greece
      • Italy
      • Sicilia
      • Yugoslavia
    • Southwestern Europe
      • France
      • Portugal
      • Sardegna
      • Spain
  • Northern America
    • Eastern Canada
      • Nova Scotia
      • Ontario
      • Prince Edward Island
    • Northeastern U.S.A.
      • Connecticut
      • Maine
      • Massachusetts
      • New Hampshire
      • New Jersey
      • New York
      • Pennsylvania
      • Rhode Island
    • Southeastern U.S.A.
      • Delaware
      • Maryland
      • Virginia
    • Southwestern U.S.A.
      • Arizona
      • Nevada
      • Utah

Links to other databases Top

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000895268
Canadensys 7927
Tropicos 25509931
INPN 116349
KEW urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:214375-2
The Plant List kew-438674
Open Tree Of Life 771436
NCBI Taxonomy 370734
NBN Atlas NHMSYS0000462134
Nature Serve 2.132367
IPNI 214375-2
iNaturalist 167579
GBIF 2704720
EOL 1114644
Wikipedia Puccinellia_fasciculata

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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
Biodiversity of Archaea and floral of two inland saltern ecosystems in the Alto Vinalopó Valley, Spain Zafrilla B, Martínez-Espinosa RM, Alonso MA, Bonete MJ Saline Syst 13-Oct-2010

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