Genus Ehretia in Family Boraginaceae
What is a Genus (pl. Genera)?
In the context of botanical taxonomy, the Genus (plural Genera) rank is a taxonomic rank
that is
used to classify groups of related species within a Family. Genera are based on a set of
morphological, anatomical, and genetic characteristics, such as flower structure, fruit
and leaf morphology. The Genus rank is situated between Family and Species in the hierarchy
taxonomic ranks.
Each Genus can include one or more species. Genera are used to group species of plants that share common traits and evolutionary histories, allowing botanists to better understand the relationships between different groups of plants.
Some examples of Genera in botanical taxonomy include Rosa, which includes the different species of roses, and Solanum, which includes the different species of nightshades, such as tomato and eggplant.
Do you wish to read more about plant taxonomy? Click here!
Each Genus can include one or more species. Genera are used to group species of plants that share common traits and evolutionary histories, allowing botanists to better understand the relationships between different groups of plants.
Some examples of Genera in botanical taxonomy include Rosa, which includes the different species of roses, and Solanum, which includes the different species of nightshades, such as tomato and eggplant.
Do you wish to read more about plant taxonomy? Click here!
Pick a Species to see its components:
Ehretia acuminata
Ehretia alba
Ehretia amoena
Ehretia anacua
Ehretia angolensis
Ehretia aspera
Ehretia asperula
Ehretia australis
Ehretia bakeri
Ehretia changjiangensis
Ehretia coerulea
Ehretia confinis
Ehretia cortesia
Ehretia corylifolia
Ehretia corymbosa
Ehretia cymosa
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Ehretia decaryi
Ehretia densiflora
Ehretia dichotoma
Ehretia dicksonii
Ehretia dolichandra
Ehretia dunniana
Ehretia exsoluta
Ehretia glandulosissima
Ehretia grahamii
Ehretia hainanensis
Ehretia janjalle
Ehretia javanica
Ehretia kaessneri
Ehretia keyensis
Ehretia latifolia
Ehretia longiflora
Ehretia macrophylla
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Ehretia matthewii
Ehretia meyersii
Ehretia microcalyx
Ehretia microphylla
Ehretia mollis
Ehretia moluccana
Ehretia namibiensis
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Ehretia obtusifolia
Ehretia papuana
Ehretia parallela
Ehretia philippinensis
Ehretia phillipsonii
Ehretia pingbianensis
Ehretia psilosiphon
Ehretia resinosa
Ehretia retusa
Ehretia retusa
Ehretia rigida
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Ehretia rosea
Ehretia saligna
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Ehretia scrobiculata
Ehretia setosa
Ehretia seyrigii
Ehretia siamensis
Ehretia silvana
Ehretia timorensis
Ehretia tinifolia
Ehretia trachyphylla
Ehretia tsangii
Ehretia urceolata
Ehretia wallichiana
Ehretia wightiana
Ehretia winitii